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Dates - Natures WFPB Sweetener

Updated: Oct 29, 2023

whole food plant based dates

Dates are a staple in our diet and can be used as natures wfpb sweetener in almost everything.

We use them as a base for Muesli, crumbles, and to make Sweet Cashew Cream and Date Syrup.

I actually prefer Dates over any other sweetener as they're not only a wholefood, but I find they are way more filling and add "richness" to a recipe.

We buy the Organic Deglet Nour variety in 10kg boxes from @buywholefoodsonline and just decant them into kilner jars for everyday use.

Date Syrup

350g Pitted Dates

500ml Water

1 tsp Lemon Juice

Blend in a High Speed Blender and store in the fridge.

Use as a sweetener

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